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The Stone Maidens

Clear Quartz Crystal Heart Worry Stone

Regular price $7.00 USD
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Carved into a heart shape, these Clear Quartz Worry stones are ideal for keeping in your purse or pocket, making them a perfect on-the-go companion!

When pressure is applied on the stone, (by gently moving your thumb back and forth across the stone,) the nerves within the thumb release natural endorphins, bringing about a state of calm relaxation.

You will receive one Clear Quartz Crystal Heart Worry Stone. 

Measuring: 40mm x 40mm 

Knowledge is Power ☾
Chakra: All Chakras, especially Crown
Healing Properties: Clear Quartz is a versatile and powerful crystal known for its ability to amplify energy and intentions. It is associated with all chakras, with a particularly strong connection to the crown chakra. Clear Quartz is believed to enhance spiritual growth, clarity of thought, and overall energy balance. Its purifying properties make it an excellent tool for cleansing and charging other crystals.
Usage: Clear Quartz can be used for meditation to amplify spiritual awareness and connection. Place it on any chakra to cleanse and balance the energy flow. Pairing Clear Quartz with other crystals can enhance their properties. Additionally, wearing Clear Quartz jewelry keeps its energy close to the body, promoting a sense of clarity and balance.
Affirmation: "I am open to the divine wisdom within me. My energy is pure, and I am in harmony with the universe."